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Ideas for team events – Strengthen your team spirit

Working in a well-functioning team is a lot more fun – no wonder there are so many different ideas for team events. Anyone who had fun with their colleagues in their spare time and noticed that they can rely on them is much happier coming to work. In this blog, we present some teambuilding methods for very different employees. 

Escape room

A room, a team, some really hard puzzles and a ticking clock – that's the escape room. To escape before time runs out, the team has to pull together, think logically and support each other. Through joint efforts, the chains of puzzles can be unravelled much more easily than if only one person puts his head to the test. The fact that everyone feels the same tension because of the ticking clock, and that they all have to pull together to escape, brings the team members closer together.  

Digital scavenger hunt

Teambuilding events? Isn't there an app for that? Not just one! Anyone who has enjoyed taking part in scavenger hunts at children's birthday parties can now also use the principle as a team event. Various event organisers supply the appropriate equipment, send their employees from A to B to C and provide them with fun tasks or tricky puzzles for the stopping points. This is how your team gets outdoors, has fun together and can celebrate its success later – for example when barbecuing together. 

The chain reaction

You know the videos in which someone triggers a chain reaction with a small movement, which can vary in length or complexity depending on the effort exerted? Planning and preparing such reactions is one of the more creative teambuilding ideas. There are organisers who specialise in such events. They provide a lot of different equipment from which your employees can choose what they need. In order to combine and prepare everything appropriately, they must show ingenuity and spatial imagination and work hand in hand.  

Sporty team event ideas: Canoeing

On a beautiful summer's day you can all venture out onto the water together and canoe together. The special thing about this event is that you can also put employees together in a boat who you would like to see get along better with each other. Anyone who steers a canoe together has to coordinate so that there is no risk of capsizing. And on the river there is often also time for an exchange, which you can just as easily avoid in everyday working life. Once the boats have been pulled up on the shore, your staff can rest, eat something and continue the conversations they have begun.  

Climbing high in the climbing park

Another of the more sporty team building methods is the trip to the climbing park. However, it is only suitable if all your employees are relatively fit and do not suffer from fear of heights. But then this method can work well. The vigorous exercise, the fresh forest air and the adrenaline offer a delightful combination that puts your employees in a good mood. And the fact that they all complete the tasks together and experience one or the other memorable moment is a nice common memory.

Fun teambuilding events: Bubble football

It looks really funny and is a lot of fun. Especially for younger teams it is a lot of fun to squeeze your upper body into an inflatable ball and play football with this little handicap. The frequent falls do not hurt, but are funny to watch. The players are naturally a bit rougher with each other than when they are not wearing the balls, but that's just for fun. It doesn't always have to be football. If you wear the air-filled balls, you can also take part in races with rollovers or compete against each other according to the principle of "the last one standing".

Summary: Teambuilding events break up everyday life

If you want your team to work better together and learn to rely on each other more, the team event ideas mentioned above are just the thing. Whether they solve puzzles together, complete tasks, design and create something, play sports or have a bit of fun, these events offer them the opportunity to get to know each other better and to discover new sides to each other. The positive feeling carries over into everyday life and makes it more pleasant for all employees.

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