Service Help Desk
5981 Tennyson St
Arvada, Colorado 80003 USA
+1 800.525.8248 toll free
+1 303.423.4910 direct
+1 303.430.0139 fax
WTMVII Cleaning Technologies Canada, Inc.
5035 North Service Road, Unit D11-13
Burlington, Ontario L7L 5V2, Canada
866.658.9274 toll free
289.235.8325 direct
289.235.7950 fax
Car wash trends are always changing as technology advances. Car wash manufacturers are always looking to make things more convenient for the consumer, and for the car wash owner’s easier and cheaper to operate.
A majority of customers in 2024 used a cashless pay system to access their car washes. The use of tap to pay has become common among many vendors. This change has made using a carwash much more convenient for the consumer, no need for the concern of carrying cash around. In 2024 e-commerce retail sales reached an estimated $6.33 trillion, this is up 8.81% from 2023. Trends show that we can expect this to continue to grow in 2025.
Being Eco friendly has been a mission that many of the top car wash producing companies are focusing on. Many companies focus on cutting down the time the car wash is used by a customer. Truly focusing on making great machines to cut down on water wasted. This not only makes them more eco-friendly, but more cost effective as well. With making great products in mind, we were able to make our AquaJet XT ® wash use 80% less water than touchless systems from other companies!
Since 2019 car wash subscriptions have risen 43%. Car wash subscriptions allow the consumer to make one monthly payment. The monthly subscription is priced higher than what you’d pay to clean a car but allows the ability for ease of access and knowing they will receive the same reliable wash from you. Car wash subscriptions can be long-term plans or as short as one month.
When it comes to monitoring your car wash that is headed if the way of automation as well. With Active Car Wash Monitoring the care of your machines is just that much less stressful for you. Mark VII have developed a solution that will keep your operations running with minimal downtime. This allows for Proactive Maintenance, Minimizing Downtime, Cost Savings and more with Real-Time Diagnostics!
One of the biggest advantages of the In Bay Automatic car washes is the need for less space. Although they don’t offer all the customizability of a tunnel system, they make up in their compact yet highly effective design while still leaving room for additional features if wanted! They allow choice washes that can operate 24/7 with no need for an operator, making this a great option for many people.
Tunnels, tunnels, and more tunnels are what to expect this year. Tunnels are on the minds of many companies who want to head into the future of the car wash industry. Tunnels allow a car wash to get more throughput while still providing an amazing experience! We know that every issue is unique, with the customizability to each bay all car washes are able to be unique focusing on issues that apply more to your location.
Although technology and trends are always changing, these trends are here to stay. This shows that providing a great service and product is the key focus and will continue to be in 2025.
Work Cited
13 Car Wash Industry Statistic to Know (January 2025 Update)
U.S. Car Wash Services Market Trends
5 Key Trends Shaping the Car Wash Industry in 2025
2025 Car Trends: What to Expect This Year
eCommerce Statistics
Locking in long term commitments