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Advice on starting your own business – the most important information at a glance

If you have to deal with the information, which you need to remember when setting up a car wash, you will certainly want advice sooner or later when starting your own business. In fact, there are several options that you can take advantage of. They cover different areas, vary in intensity and also differ widely in terms of costs. We show you what you should consider if you want to find the right consultant.

Get expert advice before starting your own business

There are pitfalls you have not even heard of as a beginner. Accordingly, it can safeguard your livelihood if you consult experienced consultants before setting up your company. There is a whole range of contact points that you can use for this. You can ask fundamental questions to the Network of Points of Single Contact for Germany. This is an offer of the Federal Ministry for Economics and Energy. From the website you can access the offers in your federal state. In most cases, it is free to ask your questions here, but sometimes a small fee is charged. However, you will not receive in-depth advice here that answers all your questions.

What advice do you need for self-employment?

Think about what questions you have to ask – then find out which experts you should turn to. Would you like to find out whether your market and competitor analyses are sound, whether your professional and personal knowledge of the industry is sufficient and whether your financial considerations are realistic? In this case, a business consultant can help you. If your questions are primarily tax-related, you should contact an accountant. You can also ask your business consultant about tax-related matters, but they will point out to you that another expert can give you reliable information here.

You need to find the right advice for your business start-up yourself

The title of business consultant is not protected, which means that anyone who believes they have expertise may call themselves so. Accordingly, you should not commit yourself immediately, but first obtain different opinions and offers. Ask them to show you references, ask them if they have already advised other car wash operators, and obtain information on fees. The costs per hour can vary considerably. Study each of the services offered and relate them to the costs. As each of these further consultations is subject to a fee, you can apply for a subsidy in your federal state. The relevant addresses can also be found on the website of the Federal Ministry for Economics and Energy. The subsidies usually cover at most 50 % of the costs, in the new federal states even up to 80 % in some cases.

The KfW-Beraterbörse (Consultant Exchange) is a good contact point

Many prospective start-ups seek advice from experienced specialists before starting a business. If you search the KfW-Beraterbörse (Consultant Exchange) for the right coaches for your situation, you can be relatively sure that you will find the qualified specialists you need. They also already know what form of funding you can apply for and advise you what is right in this respect. Here too, however, the following applies: compare and obtain information. And finally, the respective expert should assist you in setting up your own business. That's why it's necessary for you to trust them.

Most experts have little experience with car washes.

Starting up one business is the same as starting up another – that's true to a point. Business start-ups always overlap in different ways, but in others they differ from one industry to another. As a prospective operator of a car wash, you may not find an expert who has already dealt with this very special subject. This is why, when you buy or lease a car wash, you can also seek advice from most manufacturers. WashTec's services include financial consulting including profitability calculations and marketing advice tailored to your location.

Summary: Seeking advice before starting your own business saves you from making mistakes

If you seek advice from experts before setting up your own business, they can protect you from mistakes, show you good strategies and pave the way for you. The disadvantage is the costs you incur and the fact that you have to find the right expert yourself. However, advisory grants are available from the federal states. In the KfW-Beraterbörse (Consultant Exchange) you will find recommended and trusted experts. If you are looking for someone who is familiar with car washes, as a WashTec customer, you can also trust our service. We have answers to your questions about setting up in business with a car wash and would be happy to advise you.