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These tools will help you to prepare your car wash business plan

A business plan tool makes your first major hurdle on the road to self-employment easier. If you are financing your investment, you need to fully explain how and when you expect to make a profit on your car wash. It is essential that you consider the local conditions in advance, the expected number of customers, the prices you will set, and the operating costs. All these figures are of interest to your lenders – and then you should also present them properly. Fortunately, there are tools for this. To start your own business with a car wash, you do not need to have studied business administration

Very simple: You no longer need business plan software

Only a few years ago, you could find business plan templates online, but if you wanted serious support including questions, guidance and advice, you had to install business plan software. Fortunately, those days are over. Numerous websites focussed on start-ups and the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWI) have now created interactive online tools to help start-ups prepare a business plan. Here we present predominantly free solutions, however usually registration on the appropriate site is required. Needless to say, your data is securely protected in these tools! Here are some helpful business plan tools.

The BMWi business plan on Gründerplattform

The free, interactive business plan tool on the German website Grü offers you the opportunity to get started right away. You can choose whether you want to start immediately or do some research first. Then put together your start-up plan on the basis of the questions asked and text modules. Guides on the site will help you, and you can view real examples of actual businesses to get inspiration. It is also possible to show your plan to trusted friends and relatives to hear their opinions. The instructions are easy to understand and you can pause at any time.

The Lexware business plan for eloquent users

Another business plan tool that you can use online for free is the one from Lexware. On this site you will find many tips and links to help you find the best way to put together your business plan. The tool also helps you with the calculation, but it does not provide text modules. Accordingly, you should use it if you are good with words and want to stand out from the crowd, which mainly relies on the tools with the modules. Your business plan appears more individual by using your own words and phrases – however, you should certainly get suggestions from ready-made plans so that you do not miss the point.

The tool from

On the website you will find a business plan tool, which helps you prepare a comprehensive plan on the basis of a questionnaire. The tonality of the text modules changes depending on who your plan is addressed to. You can choose from banks as financiers, the Job Centre, the Employment Agency, but also equity investments and company takeovers as the basis for the plan. Questions that you answer will then help you through the rest of the structure of the plan. The free business plan tool is very slick, as this website was one of the first to offer this assistance. It has been continually improved and expanded over the years so that you now end up with a comprehensive and complete plan.

The IHK solution on the site of the Gründungswerkstatt Deutschland

You can use the free business plan tool developed by the IHK on the website of the Gründungswerkstatt Deutschland. For each new section of the plan, it contains information in the form of short tutorials on how best to write it. If you wish, you can have your knowledge about the start-up and your personality as an entrepreneur recorded in tests. In many parts of Germany it is also possible to get in touch with a personal tutor if you have any questions or concerns.

The business plan tool on

You can also use the tool on free of charge. Helpful questions guide you through the structure of the business plan and ensure that you do not forget anything. A real business plan is available for you to view if you are unsure about a point and need an example. If you wish, you can add the option "Financial plan" or the accounting solution for a fee.

The business plan for small business owners on Grü

If you only want to start a small business, you often do too much unnecessary work with your business plan. For a self-service car wash, which you operate alone or with a part-time helper, you can often also use a slimmed down version. On the German website Grü, you can use an Excel tool for this purpose, which completes the small business plan itself on the basis of your data. You will receive a tailor-made plan for €29.00. This expense is tax deductible.

Summary: It has never been so easy to write a business plan

Every business plan requires a lot of work upfront. You need to research information, calculate, consider many different influences. But nowadays the implementation of the business plan is greatly simplified compared to before thanks to the helpful and often free tools. Many of the business plan tools have advanced over the years and have been improved again and again on the basis of the diverse experiences. The explanations are therefore comprehensive, and you are guided safely through the structure of the plan. You no longer need to download and install any business plan software as you can easily use and save the plans online. You will find numerous offers for which you have to pay, but today this is no longer necessary – e.g. if you follow our tips for preparing a business plan, which is guaranteed to work for you as well.