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Creative, witty or serious? Find the best company name for your car wash

Anyone who has ever had to come up with a company name knows that this can be a particularly tricky task. It should be easy to remember, preferably original, and always remind customers of your car wash instantly. However, it must not be too funny on purpose, so that some of your customers just shake their heads and go to the competition whose name is not silly. In short, finding a name for the company can be quite challenging.

Finding the right company name – your options

Something that is basically simple, not exciting, but practicable is your own name. For example, you can simply call your business "Bertram's car wash" and leave it at that. If you have a name that is particularly common, far too long, or sounds silly, you might want to think a little more. "Schmidt" is not a USP, "Liechtenstein-Hoffmannsthal" is clearly too long and with "Potritt" you can be prepared to take joke calls all day long.

Another option is for you to come up with a name. For example, it could have something to do with the company – cars, water, washing, brushing, cleaning, etc. Some colleagues from your industry have also translated corresponding terms into English and trade as "Carwash" or "Best car wash". It doesn't sound bad, but it's been used a lot. Allow your imagination free rein and think. Are there possible word combinations of terms that have to do with car washing that you like and that result in a catchy, crisp name? Invite friends or relatives to this brainstorming session – you never know who will come up with the brilliant idea.

Technical help with finding a name

If it is not easy for you yourself to juggle with the components mentioned in your head or on notes, you can look for help on the Internet in the form of a company name generator. There are quite different ones with different offers: Wordoid, for example, is a generator that composes new terms from old ones. They are normally short and catchy and stick in your head. You can see if there is already a .com or .net domain. NameRobot goes one step further. Not only does it help in finding a name, but it also allows you to check whether the name used has already been used in search engines, directories, social media or app stores. However, not all the options on this site are free to use.

Find a company name that will also work in the future

There are always original word games that refer to current events or currently hyped entertainment elements (such as popular series). But before you decide to do so, remember that ideally you will be running your car wash for decades to come. Even after a short time, it can happen that the name, which at the beginning was still ultra-modern and original, appears a bit dated and is now only a cheap joke. Even if you had a good laugh and don't like to drop the name – it is better to do so. Current jokes usually age badly. This also applies to ambiguous names – as an entrepreneur you only do well with them if you are active in the erotic industry.

Consider customers when naming the company

You probably know quite well who lives in the catchment area of your car wash. Is it a sleepy village where the average age is very high? Or is your station located in a hip part of town, where young people in particular would like to have their cars washed? In principle, you should also take your customers into consideration when choosing a company name. Many elderly gentlemen, for example, are not very good with English expressions, while a slightly offbeat name could appeal to a younger audience more than your family name.

Put the name to the test with friends and family

You yourself are blown away by the name of your car wash? That's the first step. But now you should find out if others share your taste. Write the name on a piece of paper – it's best to type it and print it out. This ensures that the letters are clearly visible. Then give the sheet to your friends or relatives and ask them to read the name aloud. If they don't know how to pronounce it, or if they don't know what it means, the name may not be suitable. Ask your "test persons" for their opinion – if the vast majority do not share your opinion, you might want to start brainstorming again. 

Of course, you can also employ creative agencies to come up with a company name, but this can quickly become quite expensive. Your friends and relatives, on the other hand, will be happy to tell you what they think, even without payment.

Keep it simple, stupid.

Is your name nice and short or is it easy to abbreviate? A logo, for example, is especially compact and memorable if it doesn't necessarily have to contain a three-syllable word. Does the name consist of two short syllables? You can then, for example, include the first two letters of the syllables in the logo (like the WB at Warner Bros. for example). 

How to check potential company names

If you decide on a name, you should first carry out an Internet search. Does it appear in the list that the online search spits out? You should also check the Company Register and the pages of the Trade Mark and Patent Office. Once you've determined that you've found a unique name, you should check if it's similar to other big companies. This could lead to a legal dispute later on, which is not only lengthy and expensive, but also means that you will have to change your name again. And that involves a lot of work, after all, you've got both your website and social media profiles and all your advertising geared to that one name. So it is better if you play it safe in advance.

Summary: Think carefully about the company name you choose

Admittedly, it is not so easy to find a suitable, original, memorable company name that has not already been taken. Accordingly, you should not take this task lightly, but take your time and consider all eventualities. Bear in mind that you need a unique name that customers can easily remember and that should go well with a car wash (if you don't choose your surname). Avoid name similarities with big brands – many of them don't see the funny side in such matters and are quick to take action with injunctions. Ask your friends and family for ideas and feedback or use a name generator if you don't want to pay for a creative agency. If you take all these tips to heart, you will surely find a name that your car wash can carry forever and that customers will accept.