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How Does Your Carwash Cost Compare?

How Does Your Carwash Cost Compare?

The Mark VII carwash calculator is an easy-to-use tool that can quickly determine how your carwash operating costs compare to Mark VII’s. It can also provide insights, upgrade information, and make optimal recommendations for your business. The calculator is unlike anything in the carwash industry, and it can help you save, driving your carwash business to new heights with innovative solutions

The background story

At Mark VII, we continually endeavor to remain the most energy-efficient in the carwash manufacturing industry. It’s also one of our strongest selling points. Yet our team wanted to find a way to quantify our lower consumption costs while providing valuable insights to our consumers and prospects. That’s why we created the carwash calculator.

How the carwash calculator works and what it does

The carwash calculator does more than show how carwash operators, convenience store owners, and dealership managers could save by switching to Mark VII equipment. 

By answering just five simple questions, we can help you determine the best, most practical carwash solutions for you and your customers. Whether you’re currently using the Mark VII machines or considering making the switch, you can gain valuable knowledge. Basing our pricing information on national averages, we provide accurate comparisons between our systems and the market alternatives.

After completing the calculator, you'll see a personalized summary of your results. They’ll include:

  • Your current estimated monthly average consumption costs 
  • The most efficient carwash system solutions for your business
  • Machine and equipment insights - including Mark VII carwash capabilities, system information, wash menu programs, and advantages 
  • Estimated monthly cost savings by switching
  • And more

How can the carwash calculator tool be helpful to carwash owners? 

Whether you currently own a Mark VII carwash or a market alternative, the carwash calculator can benefit you and your team. For example, the calculator can be a starting point for analyzing cost savings or revenue growth. Or, you might be considering upgrading, and the carwash comparison tool can help you find equipment to better suit operational changes. 

Are you washing revenue down the drain? 

Are you a car dealer? Then you can see what systems are the lowest cost but are still efficient. Or you might own a convenience store with fewer counts. Then you can read about entry point carwashes that will best serve you and your team. Finally, maybe you’re a carwash owner and already own Mark VII equipment. But your traffic is increasing, you have a high carwash volume and you need to upgrade. If so, you’ll see how to maximize your growth potential with a carwash that fits your monthly demands.

No matter your current operational setup, this tool can help decision-making, planning, and development. Our biggest goal with the carwash calculator is to align the best machines with you and your customers’ needs.

What makes the carwash calculator good for business? 

At Mark VII, we strive to remain a thought leader in our industry. The carwash calculator provides a unique and innovative opportunity to add value to our consumers and prospects. No one in our industry has a tool like it. It’s a powerful conversation starter with the potential to convert leads and build relationships.

In today’s noisy world, consistent messaging is key to success. On average, it takes seven points of contact before finalizing a sale. So from a marketing perspective, the carwash calculator is an impactful lead generation tool and touchpoint. We can move the prospect through the sales funnel without adding much weight to the sales team. 

A quick word on Mark VII machines: how do they help consumers save so much more on operation costs? 

There’s a lot of water waste with other carwashes industry-wide, negatively impacting both the owners’ bottom line and the environment. Our engineering team, based in the United States and Germany, has collaborated for over a decade, exemplifying exceptional research and development. The results? Highly efficient carwash equipment that utilizes far less water while maintaining a quality clean. Our consumers experience significant savings while still maximizing water use, all while helping to protect the environment.

One important note - while our machines are typically more investment up front, the savings over the long haul is tremendous. Consumption costs are often overlooked in the carwash industry, and extra water costs with inefficient machines add up quickly. 

But at Mark VII, we’re continually growing our product line, developing even more efficiency by reusing the maximum amount of water, taking our equipment to the next level. And the carwash calculator is a living tool that reflects that growth. So, we recommend users to check back in from time to time as we continually advance our technology and equipment. 

With over 50 years of carwash innovation, we set the standards in the carwash business, actively pushing the market forward. How does your carwash cost compare?